Hitting all the right notes in Term 3 

The penultimate term of the year is always a busy and bustling time for students and staff involved in the...

Trinity students’ major works recognised

As final exams loom closer for Year 12 students across the state, those who engage in subjects with a practical...

Prep violinist at uni honours level – Cayden’s latest diploma

Preparatory School violinist Cayden T continues to garner musical honours far beyond his years – his latest is a university...

Trinity’s Music Mastery on Full Display

Term 2 of 2024 has been particularly busy for Trinity’s Music Department, with concerts, examinations and events galore.  The term kicked...

Battle Of Bands hits new heights

The Battle Of The Bands set new benchmarks in musical achievement, with winner Jonathan Bassily’s (12Yo) original composition doubling as...

Good practice 

Tips on making music sweet at home 

How hard should music students be pushed to practise? Are you pushing too hard?...

Trinity students nominated for HSC Showcases: Shape, Encore, ArtExpress and OnSTAGE

Throughout the year, many Year 12 students can be found working hard on their HSC major projects – exploring innovation, new...

Let’s dance

A tale of two composers, and 202 performers 

Trinity’s showcase musical extravaganza demands an intense personal and collaborative effort – 272...

The day time stood still for one proud Trinitarian

Old brigade joins new for marching band’s 70th anniversary.

Greg Allardice wound the clock back more than half...

Music News | Junior School

Assembly Performance Congratulations to the following boys who performed at assembly this week. Primary: Aiden G, Arjun G Infants: Jimmy Z, Reuben D AMEB...