Career and Student Pathway Advice
Trinity’s Careers program is bespoke, tailored to each student and designed to equip them with the confidence, self-awareness, breadth of experience and networking skills necessary to understand the decisions concerning their future beyond the School gates.
Delivered through two key components – process and conversation – Trinity’s career program is student led, primarily driven by curiosity.
Process – students are provided with formal opportunities to network, to discover opportunities for their future and understand their options. This is delivered through structured careers sessions, a careers expo, profiling activities and subject selection conversations.
Conversation – interwoven through the ‘process’ component, informal conversations take place between our experienced careers advisors and students.
Our in-house expertise at Trinity involves a core team of staff, working in collaboration with Careers and Student Pathways Coordinator, Ms Susan Draysey. In turn, this team also works alongside Housemasters and Curriculum staff to understand the best ways to support students and empower them to make the right decisions for their future.
Career Advisor Columns
Taking the first steps in a lifelong career | Trinity’s Career Expo
When you walk into Trinity’s annual Career Expo, you’d be greeted with a sight that is familiar to senior students...
Career advice in an evolving world
The role of a Careers Adviser is a little like that of a life coach. Seeking career advice is about...
Looking forward, looking back | Careers update
It has been wonderful speaking with boys about their post-school plans. Our students’ interests are wide and varied – they...