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From the Headmaster

The essence – and benefit – of community

I am firmly convinced of the primacy and power of the community in which education takes place. Both academic outcomes and the broader shaping of character are affected by the school community in which students are immersed. So, too, is the mental health of the students. During the week I read an article online by [...]

Co-education and single-sex schooling

I imagine that many in the Trinity community will have noticed the announcement earlier this week by Newington College that they intend to become co-educational in the years ahead. In response to the decision, some of the public commentary, and a number of queries that I was receiving, I wrote the following opinion piece that [...]

Sport in the life of our School

Sport is an essential element in our School’s educational vision. We have a particular focus on competitive team sports. There are recreational sport options open to the boys, where the focus is on participation and improvement, but all boys are required to put on the School colours as part of a team in at least [...]