Learning Pathways - Educational Pathways Program
Each Trinity student has different skills and interests that propel them
through their academic journey. Trinity offers several academic
pathways for our students, based on age and stage. Our ethos to offer
choice and challenge contributes to boys’ character formation.
Preparatory and Junior School
The Trinity journey can commence with Pre-K in the context of our Strathfield Preparatory campus, which adds significant value to a boy’s early learning. Read more and watch videos about our Pre-K Programme.
From Kindergarten to Year 6, our students thrive in our international Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme, which aims to foster the development of the following learner characteristics:
Boys are active participants in their learning. From PreK they engage in
purposeful play that supports them as they organise and make sense of
the world around them. The PYP encourages students to learn to
appreciate knowledge, conceptual understandings, skills and personal
attributes as a connected whole.

Read more about Trinity’s PYP Programme
Middle School
During Years 7 to 10 there are flexible learning models and new subject choices available to Trinity students. The standard curriculum covers the key learning areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Creative Arts, Human Society and the Environment and Languages.
Trinity is able to unlock greater choice and opportunity thanks to the Year 9, term-long residential at Woollamia, near Jervis Bay, with extensive elective opportunities for Year 9 and 10 students during the Stage 5 curriculum and timetable.
Students pick one 200-hour course for study over both years, as well as two 100-hour courses, occupying one semester each, in Year 10.

A third element of the Stage 5 curriculum allows Year 9 students to choose three of Trinity’s own 25-hour “rapid inquiry” courses – one per term – to investigate areas of particular interest, often spanning multiple disciplines.
Subjects include engineering, social justice, entrepreneurialism, visual design, sports science, journalism and more. Students present their findings in many ways, including models, reports, short films, websites, and TED talks.
This combination of ‘long and slow’ learning, alongside ‘fast and hard’ provides students with opportunities to learn differently. They learn how to manage and plan work with both short- and long-term lenses. This aids future academic capability.
Senior School
There are several patterns of study and a wide range of subjects available to Trinity students in
Years 11 to 12, depending on their post school goals.

Higher School Certificate (HSC) – the traditional pre-tertiary credential
for students in New South Wales. All Australian universities accept this
International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB Diploma) – Internationally
recognised, the IB Diploma is an academically challenging and balanced
programme for students in Years 11 and 12, preparing them for success
at university and beyond.
VET Courses – Trinity offers a small number of Vocational Education and Training courses in Stage 6. As they acquire a range of technical, practical, personal, and organisational abilities, students develop industry-recognised skills for the working world.
We partner with families and students as they consider which pathway is right for them. Trinity
Grammar School is known for fantastic results across all three pathways, but this is only possible
by ensuring that each student chooses the pathway that suits them best, enhancing their learning
and allowing them to develop their strengths.
From the Field Studies Centre
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News from Kindergarten
Kindy have been layering ‘Deep Time’ artworks which represent the Indigenous concept of the past, present and future all shaping...