Traffic Management

Traffic Management
(Summer Hill Campus)

For the safety of our boys and broader community

Carpark Management

floor plan of the Trinity car park showing flow of traffic

Vehicle Exit Management | During peak periods

Pedestrian Traffic Management | During peak periods

Traffic Management Directions:

Welcome to Trinity Grammar School’s Summer Hill Campus – 

To ensure the safety of our students and the smooth flow of vehicles, especially during drop off and pick up times, there are some important guidelines to follow.

Please take a moment to read the below instructions and review the attached map. 

We encourage all staff, students, and visitors to make use of both carparks and avoid parking in surrounding streets.

During peak pick up and drop off times, movement through the carparks will be altered to allow better flow of vehicles.

Peak hours for the carparks will be;

8:00 am to 9:00 am for drop off and

2:30 pm to 5:30 pm for pick up

Entry to both carparks will ONLY be via Gate 2, and exit will ONLY be via Gate 1 in peak times.

Vehicles will only move in one way direction around the perimeter of the carpark. There will be carpark attendants, boom gates and barriers in place to ensure a one-way flow.

When exiting the carpark during these peak times, all vehicles will exit via Gate 1. It is worth noting that when exiting via Gate 1 there is a ‘No Right Turn’ onto Victoria Street.

Student Drop Off

For student drop off, please use all designated drop off zones, including the drop off zones located in Carpark 3.  Junior School students should be dropped off closest to the Junior School Link corridor.

For the safety of our students please do NOT drop off students along Victoria Street or Prospect Road.

Student Pick Up

During Pick up times, there are designated pick up zones and time for different Year groups.  These zones and times are clearly marked on the map.

Please ensure you and your son review the pick up zones and times.

There is a two-minute waiting period for all vehicles. If your son is not in the pick up zone within two minutes, please leave the pick up zone and loop around either Carpark 2 or 3 to rejoin the line.

For the safety of our students, please do NOT pick up students along Victoria Street or Prospect Road.

General carpark guidelines

Students are NOT permitted to go to the boot/rear of the vehicle or walk between the vehicles at any time.

Parents, you may briefly leave your car to retrieve a bag from the boot if needed. All students must only enter and exit a vehicle on the curb side.

Please follow any instructions from our attendants and pay attention to signage. Do not tamper with boom gates or bollards that will be in place to help the flow of vehicles.

Your co-operation in following these guidelines ensures the safety of our students and smooth flow of all vehicles during peak periods.