News From the Field Studies Centre
The Field Studies Leaders have brought several new initiatives to life over the course of 2022. Student voice on campus is channelled through the leaders and it has provided some great insights into the Field Studies experience from the lens of the boys. In our meeting with this week, I asked the leaders to share a highlight from the term to date. Their thoughts are as follows:
⁃ Banjo: “The first session of Paddock to Plate co-curricular as I have never laughed so much in my life”
⁃ James: “The bus ride after our second hike as the group went from being apprehensive to relieved at having completed it”
⁃ Lucas: “Surfing because the weather was perfect, and we had fun all day long”
⁃ Grayson: “Paddock to Plate and having some laughs with Mr Lloyd”
⁃ Leo: “Barbecues after outdoor programme days. Being back at the FSP and enjoying the good vibes”
⁃ Daniel: “The surfing day and the beach day at Booderee after our high ropes activity was cancelled because of the wind”
⁃ Benny: “At the end of the two-day hike we crossed a creek, only to realise that we left our shoes on the other side and had to cross back to get them. It was a lot of fun”
⁃ Josh: “The bus trip back from our hike last weekend with everyone singing and having a great time”
Enhanced social emotional learning and building strong connections are important features of the FSP. Sometimes it is the simple things can create the memories that stay with us. The theme that runs through much of the feedback that we get from the boys, is that the opportunity to “do things together” is something that they value very highly. As each boy who has completed the FSP this year makes the transition to the Senior School in 2023, they will take with them many shared experiences, stronger relationships with their peers and a very well-earned sense of achievement.