News from The Arthur Holt Library

News from The Arthur Holt Library

Senior School students studying
Senior School students studying

For many students, preparing for exams can be an overwhelming task. When Year 10 students were asked how they intended to achieve their best in their upcoming exams, boys reported that they would study. When asked how they intended to study, many struggled to define exactly what kind of process they would employ to guide their independent learning. This is because many students view study as a task of memorisation rather than a skill that should support their genuine understanding of key course concepts.

Over the last two weeks, The Arthur Holt Library has delivered a number of study sessions to Year 10 students who are set to sit their first block of exams this term in Week 4. Students were challenged to think critically about how they intended to approach their study and about what is really required to achieve one’s best. They were asked to reflect on when they felt most focused and to examine the competing priorities in their daily schedules and how they might include meaningful time for study.

The students were also asked to reflect on their learning and return to past assessments and classwork where they might re-examine teacher feedback to identify areas of strength and challenge. It is through this process of reflection that students can then organise their time to target their areas of need and seek out additional assistance if needed.

The boys were then asked to consider the logistical aspects of their independent study. They were given a wall calendar where they inserted each exam, its time and location and then were asked to work backward to begin creating their study schedule, factoring in all of their other sporting and family activities, to create a realistic plan.

As Thomas Jefferson once said, “I find that the harder I work, the more luck I seem to have.” So, while fortune may seem to smile on those boys who take home the academic awards each term, it is the refined process of study, careful planning and a commitment to dedicate oneself to both of those things that ultimately leads to academic growth.

Good luck boys!

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