News from The Arthur Holt Library

News from The Arthur Holt Library

Short stories from the Library
Short stories from the Library

For the staff at Trinity Grammar School, this term kicked off on Monday with a presentation by renowned researcher Dr Adam Fraser, author of ‘The Third Space’ and the founder of Flourish for Schools. He spoke about the importance of managing stress and outlined his evidence-based, three-tier plan for supporting staff wellbeing.

According to Dr Fraser, taking regular micro breaks in which you relax and reset is a more effective way of beating stress than waiting for longer stretches of time in which to relax. In fact, his research has shown that two-week holidays rarely provide the benefits that we imagine they will. He suggests taking two to three regular breaks during the day and using reading and meditation to reset.

We’ve known about the ability of reading to relax and restore for some time, and have long promoted the portability of stories. Several studies have shown that reading fiction in particular engages the mind and the imagination that replicate some of the benefits of meditation, but Dr Fraser offered us a timely reminder that the service we provide to the school extends far beyond resourcing and academic support.

With this in mind, we have developed a programme to choose and promote a different short story from our collection each week. Each story will take between 7 to 13 minutes to read (a perfect amount of time for a quick relax) and staff and students will be invited to take the time to stop and enjoy it, either in the comfort of the library or in a space that works for them. We hope staff will see the benefits, but also that the boys come to understand how important it is to take a short break from their studies every now and then.

“You do not read a book for the book’s sake, but for your own. You may read because in your high-pressure life, studded with problems and emergencies, you need periods of relief and yet recognise that peace of mind does not mean numbness of mind.”

Earl Nightingale

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