Library News | Junior School

Library News | Junior School

New online resource for finding your next read

Huey the Bookbot is a new online resource added to the Library systems. Huey is a chatbot that requires no logins or personal information.  Students can interact with Huey, and he will recommend books from our collections based on their age, reading ability and interests. More information can be found here

Students can find the link for Huey on their canvas pages, but here is a link for the Junior School

Week 5 Book Week Reminder

Only one more week to Friday’s Book Parade at the Junior School. We are looking forward to seeing boys dressed up in their favourite book characters for this morning event.

Reminder: Friday 19th August @ 9am in the Sports Centre. Parents are welcome to attend.

Scholastic Book Fair will also be operating during Book Week for boys to purchase books for home.

Learning In the Library

This week, Year One looked at how the Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama expressed herself through the arts. We watched a helpful short video from the Tate Art Gallery in the UK and then read a book about Yayoi’s story. The boys then designed their own dot clothes, taking inspiration from Yayoi.

Nikki Bowden | Teaching and Learning Librarian

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