

It’s not the ‘what’ that matters most

It has been wonderful to start the year with Year 10 Careers Sessions, gathering the boys, two Houses at a time to explain the purpose of the Careers Programme at Trinity.

Central to the Careers Programme is the development of the concept of ‘self’ in the journey to the end of your son’s time at school. Acquiring knowledge and skills through engagement with all the activities that Trinity offers will provide an impressive list of the ‘whats’ to include in a resume or course application. What will provide the greatest impact on their ability to ask questions and make choices about their pathway beyond school will be understanding who they are.

Students will learn ‘who’ they are by having conversations about future career options. Moving students away from the reliance on what they know because others have told them leads to personal growth. Questioning is at the heart of true learning, and is the very skill that Trinity values and teaches in our academic programme.

A well respected careers information tool, the Morrisby Careers Profile Activity has been part of the School’s programme for a number of years. Facilitated by Educational Psychologist Emma Goodsir, Year 10 boys will participate in this activity in the coming weeks (Year 10 parents will have received a letter about the activity this week). This activity will be followed up with an information session for parents and their sons, to present their individual profile. Housemasters will then speak with each boy about his Profile and the information will be referenced in Careers Conversations with me.

It is wonderful to have the opportunity to speak with your sons – they are welcome to schedule one on one conversations with me at any time.


Courses and contacts

Please refer to Courses & Contacts for details of courses and contacts that may be of interest to you and your sons.

Susan Draysey | Careers and Student Pathways Advisor


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