Library News | Junior School

Library News | Junior School

It is such a joy to see the responses from the students with their Library learning. Below are some examples of student work over the past week. The book that was used links with the current Unit of Inquiry.

Kindergarten – Changes in the Environment Impact on Living Things.

The students were asked to draw birds that they see at their own house; or some of the birds they liked from the story.

Year 1 – Changes in Technology have shaped the way we live.

Why don’t we use typewriters anymore? Boys interviewed relatives or neighbours who used typewriters and find out a little more about them.

Year 2 – Signs and signals facilitate local and global communication

The boys were asked to find some non-official Australian symbols and take a photo.

Year 3 – The interconnectedness between communities and cultures over time

Thinking about the Trinity community over time, the boys reflected on some school photos from the last 100 years. Observations were made about what has changed and what still remains the same.

This photo taken in 1953 is of the four Arnold brothers who were at the Prep School at the same time. Paul, David, Philip and Mark.

2021 and we have four brothers at the Junior School Paul, Dimitri, Raphael and Gabriel.

How amazing that the eldest brother in both families is called Paul!

Year 6 – Reflections of our visiting guest speaker Andrew Daddo

Ben Loughnan

How has Andrew inspired your writing process? 

Andrew Daddo has inspired my writing process by helping me to discover other ways to think about how to organize a story, making the story longer by coming up with new ideas, and making sure that you enjoy the story and it makes you want to write more. 

What will you do differently in your writing now after hearing Andrew speak?

What I will do differently after hearing Andrew speak is to try and make the story go on for a little longer by creating new and interesting ideas. I also won’t directly follow the plan of my story because I might come up with a brand new idea that will make the story much more interesting. 

What was something that surprised you or you found interesting from the talk?

I found Andrew Daddo’s sense of humor very interesting because of his brilliant and funny ideas. I feel like he has inspired me to think of how ideas are made in a different way. Another thing that I found interesting from his talk was the way he writes his books. That talk definitely inspired me and enhanced my view and ideas of how to write as well as my imagination. 

Oscar Hannan

How has Andrew inspired your writing process? 

He has inspired me in the way that a story can be simple. He said that you only need an idea to stem from, and that you don’t need to layer plots and make a story more complicated than it needs to be. I’ll bear this in mind for my writing, because according to one of my previous teachers, my writing is too long. 🙁

What will you do differently in your writing now after hearing Andrew speak? 

I now know that I don’t need to think things through as much anymore. He stated that you should just write. However, the contradicting advice confuses me. He didn’t use any fancy literary techniques and teachers always say to use as many as you can. The contradicting advice is confusing sometimes

What was something that surprised you or you found interesting from the talk? 

Something that surprised me about Andrew Daddo’s interview was that he struggled to write so much. He said that he had a clear idea in his head, and it surprised me that he couldn’t work with it, because I thought that he might succeed with it.

Jayden Bechara

How has Andrew inspired your writing process? 

Andrew Daddo has inspired me when I am thinking of an idea as I should just give myself a minute to think about something and then bang bang I have created a whole story with just that small and irrelevant idea.

What will you do differently in your writing now after hearing Andrew speak?

I would do what he told me and really think about the details and ideas before I slot them into my writing or another type of writing. I would also take my time and read over my written work so it makes sense before I submit or finish something.

CBCA Book Winners were announced last Friday.

Nikki Bowden | Teaching and Learning Librarian

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