Music News | Preparatory School

Music News | Preparatory School

Concerto Competition

Congratulations to the following students who were selected to perform at the Finals Concert for the Concerto Competition on Tuesday night in the Orchestra Room at Summer Hill: Infants Section: Raphael and in the Junior Section: Cayden, Jack, Eason and Jude. All students represented the Preparatory School to an exceptionally high standard. Congratulations to Cayden who won the Junior Section. Past Prep boys were also represented in the Middle and Senior School Sections. Well done to William, Alex, Carlo, Jaemin and Simon.

Denham Court Scholarship 2023

Auditions for the Denham Court Scholar for 2023 were held on Thursday and the recipient will be announced at Prize Giving on 2nd December. Thanks to Ms Welsh for accompanying the students for this event and to the panellists, Mr Wyatt, Dr McGregor and Mrs Campbell.

Studio Concerts

The Studio Concerts for Semester 2 have now concluded and congratulations to all performers and Instrumental Music Staff.  There were over 150 solo performances in the ten Studio Concerts presented and all students demonstrated commitment to their instrumental music studies. Keep up the good work and I look forward to what 2023 will bring.

Year 3 Band Program

The Year 3 Band Program will cease on Friday 18th November as Week 7 is Orientation Day for 2023. Students are reminded to have their instruments at school that day so they can be handed in and checked before being sent away for cleaning in readiness for the Program in 2023. Thanks to all the hard work from the Summer Hill Instrumental Staff in making this program the most successful regarding the uptake of Private Tuition.  Students who are using School instruments for private lessons must also hand their instruments in and speak to the Instrumental Teacher concerning purchasing your own for next year.

Mozart Strings/Beethoven Strings

On Wednesday 23rd November from 3:45pm-4pm Mozart Strings and Beethoven Strings will present a short 15-minute end of year concert for parents.  Students will be required to be tuned and set from 3:30pm and the doors to the Mozart Room will not open to parents until just before the presentation. Thanks to Mrs McClune, Ms Vieira, Ms Cross and Mrs Swanton for their work with these ensembles this year.

Upcoming Events

  • Mozart Strings & Beethoven Strings Parent Presentation Wednesday 23rd November
  • Christmas Service Monday 28th November 5pm (Preparatory School) for all Prep students
  • Prize Giving Friday 2nd December (Sydney Town Hall) – Trinity Singers/Chapel Band/Chamber Ensemble


Mrs Geraldine Campbell | Director of Preparatory School Music

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