eSafety and Digital Citizenship

Digital Citizenship is embedded into our programmes at both primary and secondary level. It is paramount to us that Trinity students learn to become responsible digital citizens and display a high level of awareness when interacting with technology. Cyberbullying and misuse of technology will not be tolerated. Students are actively encouraged to have a say in how we promote digital citizenship and prevent inappropriate behaviour online.

At Trinity, Digital Citizenship and eSafety is:

  • Taught from K to 12 through our Life Skills and Growth Pastoral Care programmes.
  • Embedded into our school culture as an eSmart registered institution.
  • Celebrated annually during Safer Internet Week.
  • Encapsulated in each campus ICT Acceptable Usage Agreement that is reviewed and signed annually by students and families.
  • Reinforced around the school, online and in the record books through posters and other reminders.

Our Common Sense Principle

Reputation and privacy

  • Create privacy settings on social media.
  • Keep passwords private.
  • Keep personal information private on the internet.
  • Keep safe by not posting or sending inappropriate photos.
  • Think before posting publicly – imagine your parents, teachers or grandparents seeing what you posted.

Reputation and privacy

  • Be a critical thinker – not everything on the internet is true and you must make judgements about a person’s or source’s credibility
  • Recognise that your safety and well-being are the most important priorities for your parents and teachers

Demonstrate maturity

  • Use the internet responsibly.
  • Think before posting comments on social media.
  • Report potentially inappropriate content to a trusted teacher or family member.
  • Be mindful of the amount of screen time you are exposed to.
  • Anything potentially dangerous should be reported to a parent or teacher.

Information and Resources for Parents

The internet has become an integral part of life and education. It’s a powerful resource, enabling people of all ages to learn and communicate in new ways. For all of its benefits, there is no denying that the internet presents a number of risks to children and challenges for parents. The School has identified four key steps for parents to adopt cyber safe practices at home:


an essential part of keeping children safe is to make them aware of risks and discuss ways to avoid potential problems. Please see the links below for internet safety resources.


encourage and support your son so that he can become a confident internet user. Children need to know that they are able to make the right choices and that they can talk to parents about anything that makes them feel uncomfortable online.

Make computers safe

one of the most practical ways of keeping children safe online is to adopt internet content filters and other security software for home computers.


boys may behave differently online so it’s important to be involved. Using devices in family areas can help make supervision easier for parents.

Our Common Sense Principle

The Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner

This is a great government-funded resource committed to helping young people have safe, positive experiences online.

Reputation and privacy

An unbiased collection of apps, movies, tv shows, games and other digital content that is sorted into age category recommendations.

Your Internet Service Provider (ISP)

All ISPs in Australia are required to provide an Internet Content filter approved by the ACMA. Filter offerings vary between providers and no filtering solution is foolproof. There are always methods to bypass consumer filters and it cannot be stressed enough that physical supervision is the best solution to keeping children safe online.

Trinity ICT Agreements

Our ICT Agreements are updated and distributed annually and contain guidelines and expectations to ensure technology is used responsibly, purposefully and ethically. All families should be familiar with our ICT Agreement: