Trinity Boasts Strathfield Council’s Young Citizen of the Year 

Trinity Boasts Strathfield Council’s Young Citizen of the Year 

Strathfield Council has announced its Citizen of the Year awards for 2025, with Year 12 Trinity Student James Craigie receiving the honour of being named the Council’s Young Citizen of the Year on January 26. 

Nominees for the award are judged on a number of criteria, including whether their contribution was outstanding, voluntary, beneficial to the community and environment and/or of significant personal effort. 

Over the past five years, James has been involved with various community initiatives, particularly those that support children and families in need. Anyone looking for inspiration on how to get involved with their local community need only to look at James for ideas; across the years, he has jumped headfirst into activities such as:

  • Packing food hampers for refugees 
  • Raising funds for street children in Nepal 
  • Delivering presents to children in domestic violence shelters 
  • Coordinating events for those experiencing poverty 
  • Taking on the role of Stage Assistant for a children’s musical 
  • Working on a movie addressing the role of pets in homes impacted by domestic violence

It’s clear that James is up for any challenge and willing to get involved with any initiative that needs him. He has worked directly with many community organisations, including Prosper – Project Australia with whom he has worked to provide emergency relief for people in need through their community kitchen, sorting donated items, delivering food packs across Sydney, getting involved with fundraising events and packing back-to-school stationery kits for children in poverty. 

As for what he’s proudest of? James says that his work as a foster brother for 30 kids over the last 13 years has been one of the most rewarding experiences. 

“I think that’s my most important contribution to the community and I know it’s made a massive difference to the lives of those children. It has been challenging at times but definitely worth it.” 

Mr Seamus Rodden, House Master for Latham House, says that James’ deep sense of social responsibility has been evident throughout this extensive volunteer work. 

“James exemplifies the qualities of a Trinity Grammar School student—compassion, service, leadership, and a commitment to making a meaningful impact. We are very proud of James’ achievement and outlook serving his community.”

Being named as Strathfield Council’s 2025 Young Citizen of the Year has only spurred James on to do more and encourage those around him to get involved in their community too. 

“I’m happy to have received such an honour and am pleased that my hard work hasn’t gone unnoticed.” 

“We all have a responsibility to contribute to making the kind of world where you don’t have to be born lucky to have what we have,” James says. “Find a way that you can help by doing something that you enjoy, that you can share with other people.” 

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