University and Industry Partnerships with Trinity Academic Departments

University and Industry Partnerships with Trinity Academic Departments

This year Trinity has begun a new approach to creating firmer relations with universities and Industry for the benefit of our academic work in the School. Part of this approach has included inviting specialist guest speakers to come to Trinity to give talks and seminars on targeted academic topics chosen by the Head of Faculties, including the following:

At the end of Term 2 Dr. Matthew Sussman from the University of Sydney visited Trinity and gave a seminar on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein to senior English students. He engaged so well with the students that many wanted him to stay for two hours and not just one.

More recently Professor Louise D’Arcens, Professor of Medieval Literature and Deputy Dean
of Research at Macquarie University gave a lecture to senior HSC English students on Shakespeare’s Othello. Her lecture also gave fascinating insights into the historical background of Othello and the subtleties of race remarks in the play. She very much enjoyed her time at Trinity speaking with over 100 students in the Latham lecture theatre and we look forward to her return next year.

In the coming weeks the History Faculty will welcome Associate Professor Judith Keene
from the University of Sydney. She will be giving a lecture and seminar on the causes of the Spanish Civil War to Trinity’s International Baccalaureate History students. In addition, the Languages’ Faculty will also be welcoming Dr. Anne Rogerson, Senior Lecturer in Latin from the University of Sydney, to give a lecture and seminar on Vergil’s Aeneid to both HSC and I.B. senior Latin students. 

More speakers are being ‘booked’ for Term 4 and for next year’s calendar. As we build our relationships with our new ‘partners’ we are ever grateful for their time, and also for their willingness to share their passions for their areas of knowledge.

– Dr. Elizabeth Stockdale – Co-ordinator of University and Industry Academic Partnerships

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