Every donation counts this Giving Day | Giving Day June 13, 2024

Every donation counts this Giving Day | Giving Day June 13, 2024

In a year where the cost of living continues to rise, digging deep for Trinity’s 2024 Giving Day can feel more difficult than in years past. But it’s times like these when scholarships matter the most. 

For many families, sending their son to Trinity Grammar School is a goal that is financially out of reach. Trinity’s range of scholarships exist to give these families the opportunity to give their son a Trinity education. 

2024 has seen many families struggling to keep up with the cost of living and, as Giving Day rolls around again, the fundraising goal of $475,000 can seem intimidating. 

“Over the past couple of years, so many people have given so much, and we want to acknowledge that,” says Mr James Leckie, Director of Enrolments. “Everything is more expensive, interest rates are high, and to ask again for your assistance to help these boys to come to the School who otherwise wouldn’t be able to, is difficult.” 

“We want you to realise that even the smallest of gifts can make a massive difference. If more of us get together and contribute even the smallest amount, you can be guaranteed that will make a huge difference.” 

Crucially, he says, every donation makes more scholarship funds possible. Each year, Mr Leckie is involved in the selection process for scholarship recipients and although he enjoys the process overall, he wishes that there were more scholarships available, so he had less calls to make to families that aren’t successful in their application. 

The more scholarship funds there are available at Trinity, the bigger the impact for future students, their families and the communities around them. 

Past Giving Days have seen the Trinity community come together and smash through the fundraising goal each year, setting a lofty precedent. This year, Giving Day is calling on the community to band together once again to make donations, big and small, to make a Trinity education possible for more students in the future.

 No donation is too small and Mr Leckie says that thinking to the future is the encouragement that will make this Giving Day a success.

“Whilst we are all digging deep and finding what we can give over this 24-hour period, the legacy of that, the lasting impact of that, goes not just four years or four weeks … it goes for generations. We can make a serious difference in people’s lives.” 

Giving Day 2024 takes place from 3pm on Thursday June 13 until 3pm Friday June 14.

Donate via the School’s Charidy Fundraising webpage.

Trinity Giving Day | Thursday June 13

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