Green Patch: Book Week Scarecrow Competition
Protecting the Green Patch without the use of chemicals is an essential part of our organic pest management system. One such tactic is the scarecrow, which has been used since Ancient Egyptian times. This year as part of the lead up to the Junior School’s Book Week celebrations, each class will design and construct a scarecrow based on their favourite book character. These will accompany the class to the Friday Book Week Parade and then form part of the Scarecrow Trail around the Green Patch during the Festival of the Arts on Friday 26th August. Everyone will have the opportunity to vote for their favourite scarecrow at the end of the trail, with the winners to represent Trinity at the 2023 Sydney Royal Easter Show.
Each class has had a brainstorming session to select their character and what materials they could use to build the frame, body parts, clothing and accessories.
We are learning how important it is to design a solid structure, so they don’t collapse and have found it can be a very frustrating process to see your hard work topple over!
Your son/s may come home asking for some unusual items to help build their character. Please check that they only bring in items that you are happy to part with. We are aiming to construct as much of our scarecrows out of recycled products as possible, but some may need to be sourced elsewhere.
Thank you for all your assistance with this fun project. The boys are really enjoying the designing and construction process. Looking forward to seeing you at the Book Week Parade and the Festival of the Arts: Scarecrow Trail.
Melinda Bargwanna | Specialist Environmental Educator