From the Head of the Junior School
Dear Parents and Friends of the Junior School,
The sight of trucks and machinery moving in and out of adjacent blocks on Seaview Street and over what was No. 3 Oval, as well as the sounds of demolition and construction are daily reminders that the School is now in a unique stage of its development via the Renewal Project. They also remind of the promise of improved access and wonderful learning facilities that all boys will enjoy soon enough. Over the next two weeks, contractors will be removing soil and hazardous contents from the sites, as detailed in the communication from the Head Master to parents this morning. I wish to clarify one aspect of that communication that referenced Junior School play areas. The soil removal site adjoins what will become our new play area in time; the area adjoining the Junior School courtyard that is not in use this term due to construction of our carpark passageway. The ovals and passages currently used by all boys are not at all near the removal works and the boys’ play spaces and times will be unaffected over the next fortnight.
It is great to see that almost all parents have booked a Student-Led Conference next Monday. This will be the largest massed event hosted in the Junior School for a few years! Each boy will showcase his areas of growth and development by leading you through a rotation of learning activities in his classroom. There will also be activities to undertake in each specialist-subject area scattered at stations around the Junior School and in the Centenary Centre (PE)…these are not compulsory but I am sure boys will also want to demonstrate their learning in their favourite specialist subjects. Please make some time to visit at least a couple of specialist stations either before or after your classroom session. Please be punctual to classroom sessions as the schedule is tight and structured. Please also heed all previous communication regarding co-curricular activities and supervision of brothers (located in 6T classroom). All entry to the Junior School will be via the stairway and door at the Centenary Centre end of our building. Parking will be at a premium (especially for the earlier sessions) and we anticipate little availability in the carpark. Our strong encouragement is to park legally and with consideration of our neighbours in the nearby streets and then to access the School on foot via the Prospect Road gate between the Chapel and Uniform Shop.
Nicholas Beke, James Azizi, Elijah Harding, James Saunders and Luke Holani recently spent a day at the Sydney Academy of Sport where they had the opportunity to participate in wheelchair sports, including basketball, AFL, boxing and laser tag, alongside students with impaired mobility. The boys had a great time and left with increased awareness of the challenges and opportunities associated with having a disability and participating in sports. The boys reported that some children were using special wheelchairs provided by the Junior School through donations made in previous Walk-a-thons. We will again be supporting this cause in 2022 with a Walk-a-thon later this term. Watch this space for details of how each student can participate and fundraise.
The GROWTH Programme for Term 3 across the Junior School focusses particularly on personal wellbeing with class lessons, community messages and group discussions targeted at equipping and balancing each student’s care for self with an awareness of the opportunity and willingness to positively impact others’ wellbeing. Themes will include choices, relationships and connectedness. Please ask your son’s teacher if you wish for more details concerning the age-specific experiences planned to foster this growth in his class.
Please note that next Thursday morning, all boys in Years 4-6 will be required to bring their Summer Sports Uniform (in addition to wearing their PE uniform) as we will be taking team Summer Sports Photos throughout the morning.
Next Wednesday after lunch, the Year 6 Football team (combined North Coast team) and Rugby team will play matches against Year 7 teams from Middle School. This is another annual tradition that we are looking forward to reviving after a hiatus over recent COVID-impacted years. The games are always spirited ‘friendlies’ and also one of many events undertaken across Semester 2 by Year 6 to give the boys a glimpse of what awaits in Middle School. Parents are welcome to attend as spectators.
I wish all players the best for tomorrow’s final round of Winter Sport games and thank parents for your assistance with getting boys to these games across a very unpredictable and weather-impacted season.
Mark Dunn | Head of the Junior School
This is what the Lord says, he who made the earth, the Lord who formed it and established it – the Lord is his name: ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:2-3