Prep | Year 6 News

Prep | Year 6 News


This term in mathematics, we finished learning about probability and frequency in chance experiments that we created. In that unit I really enjoyed making my own experiment and trying other experiments. Since then we have started on multiplication and division. In this unit so far, we have tried different strategies in challenging equations. We’ve been focusing on dividing decimals with whole numbers and multiplying with decimals. So far, I have enjoyed this unit because I have tested my multiplying and dividing skills on a different level so I can further improve myself.

By Justin Ng



During English in Year 6 this term we have been finishing our novel study books. Some books include Hatchet, The Giver, Winning and Pennies for Hitler. We have also finished a Literacy Groups assignment where we have to explain in detail the book’s plot, characters, inferencing and sequencing. At the end we had to set some goals for future literacy lessons. During writing, we have been finishing informative writing where we constructed a text about Prime Ministers based on research. We are now starting a unit on imaginative writing.

By Laurier Chen



In the last couple weeks doing Unit of Inquiry, we have been inquiring into ‘How We Organise Ourselves’. We’ve learned about Australia’s voting system a.k.a the “preferential voting system”. We also learned about the different systems of government including Communism, Democracy, Monarchy, Dictatorship. In this unit we did an overnight excursion in Canberra, we visited the senate and the house of representatives and learned so much more about how the government is run. We learned about ideologies and how they guide decision making processes. We interviewed an independent candidate, Steve Khouw, who was running for the seat of Banks. At the end of the unit we demonstrated our learning by choosing between an island, three states combining and a new nation. Then we became the government and did what we thought they needed to survive and thrive. It was challenging considering our actions as a leader and considering short term priorities against long term sustainability. We are excited to begin our new Unit of Inquiry into ‘Sharing the Planet’

By Harry King


What’s coming up next

  • We’ll continue to investigate multiplication and division, before moving onto Mass and Time units.
  • In English we will continue inquiring into word patterns and roots in spelling, imaginative story writing and new literacy group novels
  • In Unit of Inquiry, we have begun our new unit inquiring into ‘Sharing the Planet’ as we examine migration patterns and push and pull factors.



Year 6 boys have been enjoying the vocabulary competitions and they have boosted their word learning and practice in reading, listening, writing and dictation translating in between English and Chinese.

The teacher focused groups have started in Week 4. While the class concentrates on the assigned learning tasks, the teacher meets small groups checking their learning and creating chances for the boys to communicate in Chinese with their peers. There are a variety of activities in the focused groups, including language recognition, reading, speaking, quiz and competitive games.

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