Changes to COVID isolation requirements: Term 2, 2022
As most families will be aware, there have been further announcements made about the relaxation of COVID isolation requirements.
The major changes are listed below. If your son is unwell, he must not come to school. Rather, he needs to undertake a RAHT or PCR test and stay home until symptoms pass and he returns a negative COVID result.
- If your son is a household contact, he no longer needs to isolate.
- He is able to come to school so long as he is symptom-free and has a negative RAHT test each day that he is a household contact.
- If in the Middle or Senior School, he will also need to wear a mask while at school; mask-wearing is encouraged in the Preparatory and Junior School by boys who are household contacts.
If your son is a household contact, parents must notify the school via the absentee tile on the School app and choose ‘COVID-19 Household Contact Attending School’.
The School is expecting a delivery of RAHT tests from NSW Health soon and will send tests home with boys once the tests have arrived.
As most boys will no longer need to isolate if they are household contacts, we are expecting our absentee rate to fall even further.
Consequently, the protocol of online access to classroom learning that served us well in Term one will no longer be required; a Team link into classrooms and the Canvas lesson template will no longer be available.
The usual protocols for students at home who are well enough to engage in learning now apply: students are to check resources on Canvas and email their individual teachers.