Prep | Year 5 News

Prep | Year 5 News


Where We Are in Place and Time


Week 10 – Revisiting our learning from the Term


Writing – Imaginative texts

Reading – Understanding character



Students have been developing their understanding of area and perimeter by applying these concepts in a real world context. For example, the boys applied their knowledge and skills to explore the best use of space in a parking lot. Have you had to use your understanding of perimeter and area in your life recently? Perhaps you might like to share your story with your son. The boys have also been developing their understanding of cardinal and ordinal directions. They explored maps and used grid references to locate places we could visit in Bathurst.



Over the last few weeks the boys have been finishing their work on persuasive texts. There has been clear focus on how to plan effectively, how to choose the best device that will be most effective for your target audience and editing and refining their work. We will be moving on to other types of writing that are more imaginative over the next few weeks.

We have also been reading a wonderful book as a grade by Louis Sachar which explores the benefit that emotional connection can have between friends as well as parents and their kids. The book follows a young boy who at first appears to be a nasty bully but as it turns out is the one being bullied himself. This book has been a real highlight for the boys and well worth discussing with them in terms of how we treat other people and not knowing how someone else actually feels inside.



In Sharing the Planet, the boys have been considering how we can manage environments across Australia in more sustainable ways. Students used their geographical skills to explore maps and identify geographical features. They made connections between these features and how we use and manage places. Finally, the boys were challenged to transfer their learning to a project where they had to plan for growing populations in Australia.

Students use their geographical skills to explore maps and identify geographical features.


During the current Music Unit of Inquiry Music of Other Cultures students have enjoyed learning to sing and create actions to an African piece called Thula. Through the Concepts of Form, Connection and Perspective, they have analysed the repertoire, used technology to create a score (Communication Skills) and performed as a whole class ensemble (Social Skills). They have also reflected upon the learning journey as a means to demonstrate and celebrate growth and articulate next steps (Thinking Skills). The students are now delving into Hip Hop and creating their own Hip Hop song.

Christian Studies

Over the last few weeks in Chapel, the boys have been exploring the Biblical concept of “covenant” or in other words, “agreement or promise”. They have been reminded that there are many examples where God has made a gracious covenant with his people, and yet they broke the covenant. With Easter approaching, we have a wonderful example of God’s plan of salvation through His son Jesus. In week 10, we are privileged to have the visit of “Quiz Worx” – a biblical puppet / interactive show explaining the importance of Jesus’ death and resurrection. This week, the boys are experiencing a visit from the Years 10 to 12 Summer Hill group “Berea”. Berea is a Christian leadership group that helps the students equip and share the good news of Jesus. These older students will be teaching every Christian Studies class this week, visiting CIA (Christians in Action) groups and running Chapel. There are very few opportunities for our boys to share in high school events and this mission will serve as a wonderful opportunity to build relationships and share in the wonders of Easter.



The personalised online learning programme, Education Perfect, has been the focus of language learning and practise these 3 weeks. Students received differentiated tasks and assessments to maximise their understanding and participation. They were instructed and encouraged to use the word lists to learn and practise essential vocabularies. After building the vocabulary foundation, the word lists also helped them to make sentences and learn grammar. In terms of Approaches to Learning, Thinking Skills (Analysing, Transfer knowledge), Communication Skills (Listening, Digital communication, Reading, Writing), and Self-Management Skills (Time management, Personal responsibilities) are the main skills that students consistently apply in Mandarin lessons.

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