Library News | Preparatory School
Poetry Books
Next term the boys will engage in the Poetry Recitation Competition. They may already have a poem chosen that they wish to recite, but if they are struggling to find the perfect poem, please encourage them to come and see us in the Library. We have many books filled with wonderful poems that they may wish to have a look through and choose from. Poetry books have been placed at the front of the Library for ease of access, however, there are many more on the shelf, in the General Non-Fiction Section under 821.
Harmony Day Winners
Thank you to all the boys who entered our Harmony Day Poster Competition with the theme Everyone Belongs. The entries were very well thought out and the effort put into the posters was very well received.
The winners are:
Infants Winner – Raphael M. 1I
Primary Winner – Lucas H. 4P

Younger Readers:

Early Childhood:

The Picture Book of the Year:

Eve Pownall Award:

New Illustrator:

Author Spotlight – Pamela Freeman

Pamela Freeman is an award-winning author for adults and children. She has a Doctor of Creative Arts from the University of Technology, Sydney. Her historical novel The Black Dress won the NSW Premier’s History Prize in 2006 and her non-fiction book Desert Lake: The Story of Kati Thanda – Lake Eyre, illustrated by Liz Anelli, was shortlisted for the 2017 NSW Premier’s Literary Awards and the Wilderness Society’s Environment Award for Children’s Literature, and was a Notable Book in two categories in the 2017 Children’s Book Council of Australia Book Awards. Most recently, Pamela won the 2021 CBCA Eve Pownall Award and the NSW Royal Zoological Society’s Whitley Award for Dry to Dry: The Seasons of Kakadu.
Pamela lives in Sydney with her husband and their son and teaches at the Australian Writers’ Centre.