Junior School ISDA Debating
The ISDA debating competition takes place Friday afternoons after school. It is an excellent opportunity for students to develop their skills in critical thinking, arguing and public speaking. Teams are only given one hour to prepare for their debate, under the guidance of a coach.
I would like to congratulate our newly appointed Debating Captain, Maxwell Leung, as well as Owen Li, Nathan Jones, Eamon Turner and Roman Urbano who have been selected to represent the Junior School forming our ISDA Debating team.
Last week was our team’s first debate. Their debate delved into themes of education and the benefits and disadvantages of grouping students academically into ability classes. Our boys raised key issues to argue their case including student health and wellbeing, social skills, the flexibility of mixed ability classes whist exploring the disadvantages of ability-based classes. In a very close debate against Loretto Kirribilli, our boys were successful. I was so very proud of how confidently each speaker spoke and worked together as a team.
It is a privilege to work with such a wonderful group of enthusiastic boys who are keen to learn and improve. I am eager to see what this season has in store for us.
Jessica Taylor