


Looking forward, looking back

It has been wonderful speaking with boys about their post-school plans. Our students’ interests are wide and varied – they want to design, they want to build, they want to write, to teach, to heal and to entertain. They ask me about ways to achieve these goals and are open to exploring what their Year 13 will have to offer them. Without doubt, conversations over the past few weeks have included some poignant observations about what this school term is bringing. In among these reflections, your sons’ resilience and vulnerability come through. It is an honour to support them in making decisions about next year.

One Year 12 student commented to me that this wasn’t what he thought his last term of school would look like. This may well be true of almost everything – we simply don’t know what is in store. We look to structure and what others tell us of new experiences, to prepare us for what comes next. What we can rely on is the journey we have taken to get to the point where we consider the ‘what next’. This is applicable in general, and equally when looking at post school study options. What you have done so far, will help inform what you do next.

That is the solid foundation that cannot be taken away. The commitment our students have made to their education remains their best asset. Training providers will be considering their next cohort of applicants. Already UTS has announced a new direct entry pathway, similar to that introduced by ANU last year. Smaller universities have direct entry pathways in place that many students will apply for. The message for our students is to keep to your path, use their support network and keep asking questions.

Students are encouraged to keep an eye on the Canvas Careers pages and announcements – this is where information about things like the new UTS entry pathway has been provided. As always, please ask me if you have any questions.

School Based Traineeship Programme

Last week Ms Williams, Ms Nixon and I participated in a question and answer session for Year 10 students and parents about this Programme. Prior to this meeting, we uploaded an information video and forwarded a digital flyer.

Thanks to the support of employers, we facilitate this Programme for a small number of Year 11 and 12 students who are undertaking VET courses as part of their HSC. If you are a parent of a Year 10 student who has identified a VET course for next year, and you missed this information, you are welcome to contact me if you would like to know more.

Courses and contacts

Please refer to Courses & Contacts for details of courses and contacts that may be of interest to you and your sons.

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