Music News | Preparatory School
Increasing Performance Confidence Tips:
- Positive Points – a hand on your forehead with slow deep breathing, clams tremors, channels into frontal lobes of clear thought – clears “brain fog”
Year 1 and 2 Strings Programme
Mrs Lorraine Jayasinghe and Mrs Palmer are uploading videos on Seesaw to assist the boys in continuing to develop their playing skills on their instruments. If at any point strings break, or the strings slip and require tuning, please contact Mrs Campbell to arrange a suitable time to bring the instrument to School so the issue can be resolved. I would ask that parents do not attempt to tune the instruments.
Cello Racks
Over the holidays new cello racks were installed in Studio 1 and in the corridor outside Studio 9 which will assist boys storing their instruments and make more efficient use of the space.
AMEB Guitar Results
Congratulations to Mr Rocco and three of his guitar students Oliver Cardiff, Thomas Lee and Aravinda Chauhan who sat AMEB exams recently from Grades 1-4. All boys achieved Credit – Honours. Well done.
Time For More
Thanks to the boys who have engaged in the Time For More activitiesduring the week. A number of our Music Co-curricular activities have uploaded repertoire that students can be engaging with so as to continue to develop their playing and ensemble skills. I would encourage boys involved in the listed ensembles in Time For More to engage with these activities.
Singing for good mental health By Mrs Nicole Smeulders
It has been wonderful to see and hear Trinity students sing.
Every week, I will upload a short video for Junior and Primary Choirs on Time For More. My aim is to teach a fun, easy song for the boys to enjoy. These videos are available to all boys in Years 2 – 4, even if they don’t usually sing in our choirs.
For the Trinity Singers, songs and choreography for our musical cantata Jonah Man Jazz will be uploaded each week. I hope that we may be able to record this mini musical presentation in Term 4.
Thank you to the many boys who have shared videos of themselves singing. I am also encouraged by the emails from parents and students who have let me know that they are engaging with the videos.
Singing is associated with good mental health and is a lifelong skill to enjoy!
Due to the uncertainty surrounding further extensions to the stay-at-home orders issued by the NSW Government, AMEB (NSW) has decided to temporarily pause access to the enrolment process for both Metropolitan and Regional face-to-face exams from today until 30 August 2021.
This will NOT affect:·
- Online written exams in Session 90
- Video Repertoire exams in Session 21
- Rockschool Video exams in Session 81.
Enrollers are welcome to access AMEB Connect during this period to enrol in these sessions. This temporary pause on practical exam enrolments will mean that some session closing dates will be extended, however more information about this will be released in the coming weeks. As you can appreciate, the AMEB (NSW) is looking at all options to provide face-to-face exams to as many candidates as we possibly can, and we appreciate your patience and understanding. The School will still ask for entries but will pause applying until we hear more from AMEB.
Geraldine Campbell | Director of Preparatory School Music