Music News | Preparatory School

Music News | Preparatory School

Increasing Performance Confidence Tips:

  • THINK POSITIVE – we are what we think. Edit out negative thoughts.

Instrumental Music

Instrumental Music lessons resumed this week Monday 19th July using the boys Trinity School email via Microsoft Teams only. If parents wish to opt out of the on-line lessons they must contact the Music Administration Assistant – Dinora Marquez via email – otherwise charges will apply for missed lessons.

Please contact your son’s Instrumental Music Teacher if they have not already made contact with you to resume lessons. For new students to the Instrumental Music Program the decision has been made to wait until we are back onsite for these students to begin. Instrumental Staff have been informed to avoid the morning and afternoon class check-in times. Feedback from staff during the week has been positive and they thank the boys for their ongoing commitment to their Instrumental Music studies. AMEB information for the October session will be required to be submitted by the Instrumental Teachers to Mrs Trynes in Week 4, Monday 2nd August at the very latest to know if we have enough candidates to have the exams on site. (COVID permitting)

Time For More

As a result of no Music Co-curricular Ensemble rehearsals until further notice, a number of music ensembles have posted work on the Time For More platforms on Canvas for Years 3-6 and Seesaw for PK-2.  If boys have the opportunity throughout the week to engage with these activities, this is purely on a voluntary basis and not a compulsory commitment. Do not feel any pressure to engage. A reminder that if you upload work there will not be any feedback provided.  One of the sections is called Easy Listening Station and this is where boys are able to post pieces of music from their Instrumental Music lessons that are at a performance standard, so I am looking forward to hearing you play.

AMEB Theory Mock Exams

The AMEB have delayed these exams until a few weeks after schools are back on site so that further preparation can occur. The Music Department will communicate with parents once we know this timeline and the operation of the Monday afternoon Mock Exams on site.  Until such time, please can I encourage the boys to continue to engage with the online lessons which present revision material, target specific student learning needs in order to progress in their appropriate grade.

Geraldine Campbell | Director of Music Preparatory School

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