Green Patch News | Junior School
We have been very fortunate to have had most of our Stage 1 Green Patch construction works complete before the Building Industry shutdown last weekend. The update videos on the progress over the last 3 weeks can be found at Join Rugby Bear, our site supervisor, as he oversees the works. It was lovely to have so many boys and staff pop by during the build and watch their design input come to life.
My anticipation grows for the boys return when in class groups they will add the layers of soil medium to their WaterUps Wicking Beds and Vegepods. We are all so thankful to the Junior School Auxiliary for making this possible.
Having almost completed the first 2 P’s of our Green Patch Initiative, PLANNING and PREPARING,
I can’t wait for the 3rd, PLANTING to begin.
Melinda Bargwanna | Specialist Environmental Educator