Prep | Year 1 News

Prep | Year 1 News


In writing the boys have been working on writing persuasive texts. They have worked on breaking down the different features of persuasive writing, such as text structure and using persuasive language to support their opinions. Some examples of persuasive language are: 

  • I think…because…
  • I believe…is better than…
  • A good reason for…
  • It is important to…
  • We should…
  • I strongly believe…

Next term the boys will begin looking into the structure of procedural writing. The boys will learn how to write sequenced steps to give instructions needed to inform the audience of how they do or make something. This writing focus will be closely linked to the current Unit of Inquiry How We Organise Ourselves. The boys will work on explaining the process of how primary resources are changed. They will need to practice starting their sequenced steps with a verb (action word). For example:

  • Stir
  • Pour
  • Mix
  • Add
  • Place 

You can continue to support your son’s learning by using this language within your home.


In Maths the boys will be finishing inquiring into their current focus of Volume, Capacity and Mass. Over the past two weeks the boys have focused on learning the difference between Volume and Capacity. This week the boys will be learning about Mass. They will be given opportunities to measure mass using informal units, which enables students to develop some key understandings of measurement. The boys will be given experiences to experiment measuring with a pan balance and using a hefting method. The boys should continue to be exposed to the following language: capacity, container, liquid, full, empty, volume, gap, measure, estimate, mass, heavy, heavier, light, lighter, about the same as, pan balance, (level) balance.

Next term the boys will be introduced to the new Maths focus of Money. They will inquire into the Australian dollar and build an understanding of the different values. They will practice comparing equal values, for example: $1 is equal to two 50c coins. It would be great over the holidays to introduce the boys to the different notes and coins we use in our daily lives and their different values. 


In Year 1 the boys have started their new Unit of Inquiry How We Organise Ourselves. The boys have begun exploring the concepts of change and connection by investigating the process different products go through. They have been inquiring into where products originate from and how they can be changed to create different resources we use in our daily lives. Last week they began by inquiring into how milk is turned into dairy products such as milk, cream and cheese. This week the boys will investigate what their clothes are made of and the process of wool being changed into different products. 

Over the next week the boys are encouraged to bring in at least one packaged food item. Both Australian products and international packaged goods. Year 1 will be inquiring into where different packaged goods come from, the process they go through and what ingredients they include. Please ensure these items are nut free as we are a nut aware school. 

Year 1 will continue inquiring into this unit next term. To help your son’s learning please inquire where particular foods/items come from that you have in your home and how they can change through different processes. One way to support this learning is to give the boys an opportunity to explore how foods can change through cooking.


In our past unit of inquiry in STEAM Year 1 have been investigating different forms of ‘Digital Technology’. To determine the function of code the boys have been exploring robots and coding applications, including Scratch Jr, Cubetto, Dash, Kodable, Beebots and Bluebots.

To finish the unit, we made connections to the UOI topic ‘Sharing the Planet’ and developed Scratch animation of an animal in its habitat. Year 1’s coding skills and technological awareness have improved during this unit and we look forward to using our knowledge of digital technology in our next units of work.


In Mandarin lessons, Year 1 students learn to comprehend conversational exchanges about zodiac signs through Chinese reader and in-class dialogue. There has also been a focus in decoding animal Hanzi by analysing the structure, for example exploring the connection between meaning and form using animal pictographs and Chinese radicals. The boys collaborate in teams researching animals and their habitats which are closely linked with the UOI: Sharing the Planet. They collectively examine impact on animal movements due to the change of their habitat in China through case study discussion. 


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