News from The Arthur Holt Library

News from The Arthur Holt Library

One of our most important jobs in The Arthur Holt Library is to actively promote reading across the school and to encourage students to value reading for pleasure, as well as for academic purposes.

In her article ‘We Talk Books’, published in the November issue of English in Australia, Margaret Merga emphasises how book discussions in school libraries can help to promote a culture of reading in a school and may even help counter some of the negative trends that have led to the reduced significance of reading in many young people’s lives.

Luckily, our librarians love nothing more than discussing books. This term alone we have been reading and discussing Advanced Review Copies of soon-to-be-published books with our Middle School reading group, Arthur’s Readers. The boys wrote reviews, which can be found on our Library blog here (, and advised us on which books they thought we should add to our collection.

Trinity has also started a Professional Learning Book Club. Staff have been invited to pick up copies of the first book from the library, where we have individually wrapped each copy to keep the title a surprise. The book club will meet next term to discuss the ideas discussed in the book and how they might impact teaching across the school.

Finally, we are also delighted to be able to welcome parents back into the Library. Our inaugural Arthur’s Authors event will see Dr John Dickson in conversation with Mr Matthew Driscoll, of Trinity’s History Faculty, as they discuss John’s new book, ‘Bullies and Saints: An Honest Look at the Good and Evil of Christian History’. You’ll also have the opportunity to meet the author and purchase a copy of his book. Check your email for more details.

Stefanie Gaspari | Director of Library Services 

“Show me a family of readers, and I will show you the people who move the world.”

– Napoleon Bonaparte

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